How to Confidently Tell Your Clients You're Seeking New Students - No Bulls#$t Business Tips 20

Season #1

Hello everyone, it's Bec here with a new episode of Dance Principals United! This time, Amanda and I discuss something crucial but often overlooked in running a dance studio: the importance of openly asking for new students.

We talk about how straightforward approaches can be very effective. As a studio owner, how can you use your current connections to grow your business? We'll look at how simple, clear conversations can help bring in new students and strengthen your dance community.

Join us as we offer useful tips and real-life stories that highlight the benefits of clear communication in creating a strong dance family.

๐ŸŒŸ If you're looking to work with us and build the studio of your dreams, consider the Dance Principals United Tribe or Studio Growth Club for Dance Studio Business Coaching. Join a community dedicated to growing dance studios. DPU Tribe | Studio Growth Club