Onboarding New Staff: Setting the Right Tone - No Bulls#$t Business Tips 25

Season #1

We're back with more no-nonsense business tips for you today.

In this episode, we're diving into the essential topic of onboarding new staff members and how to ensure they start on the right foot. It's easy to fall into the trap of simply throwing a new hire into the mix and hoping for the best. I've made that mistake myself in the past—no proper interviews, just a quick agreement to start, and that’s it for onboarding. But we all know that's not the ideal approach.

Amanda and I are here to share how to make a great first impression and set the right tone with your new team members, whether they're teachers, admin staff, or otherwise.

Tune in to learn our top tips on onboarding new staff, including setting expectations, explaining the "why" behind what you do, and ensuring a smooth transition into their roles. It's time to stop the guessing game and set your new hires up for success.

Let's get started!

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