Are You Consistently Marketing Your New Program? - No Bulls#$t Business Tips 26

Season #1

Hey friends! Amanda and Bec here, ready to chat with you about more No Bullsh!t Business Tips.

This time, we're focusing on launching a new program in your studio. We often see people investing tons into a new program only to struggle because they didn't properly market or build excitement around it. Your clients won't sign up if you don't give them a reason to!

This episode is all about making sure your efforts deliver results. We dive into actionable advice like ensuring every third social media post promotes your new program and using calls to action that drive attendance for free trials.

Consistency is crucial!

Don’t just post once or twice; keep the momentum going with emails and social media. Educate your audience, especially when launching something new, and highlight the benefits of the class to attract parents and students. We also share practical ideas, like distributing fliers with QR codes at local schools, leveraging community events, and adding captivating behind-the-scenes content.

Review your social feeds, update your strategy, and start posting about that new program today.

For further resources on boosting your studio's growth and engaging more deeply with your community, check out Studio Growth Club and Dance Principals United!